Seed (SED) is a cryptocurrency created by the LiveTree team in early 2018. Seed tokens can be used throughout the LiveTree…
Qravity is a new decentralized platform for creatives working in film, TV and video content industries to come together,…
Interactive TV, Netflix and Community Spirit Interactive TV There have been so many false starts to interactive television,…
What is a Blockchain? Despite having been invented along with Bitcoin ten years ago by somebody under the pseudonym Satoshi…
Imagine earning while watching a game show. This will soon be a reality when our new show CryptoShare comes into…
A LiveTree For All Reasons – by Cheryl Clarke If you’ve heard of LiveTree ADEPT, you’re probably now interested in…
CREATIVITY UNCHAINED by Cheryl Clarke The thing about creativity is that it isn’t a product. You can’t capture and bottle…
By Cheryl Clarke– co-founder, LiveTree ADEPT I’ve earned my crust as an independent in the media and content industry…
ENTERTAINMENT 3.0 By Ashley Turing The way we engage with content is changing. In a little over 10 years,…