Official Technical Integration & Proud
Community Partners
Community Partners
Convert any Tiktok, YouTube, Snapchat, Vimeo, Instagram and other social media posts to an NFT using the Livetree app available for iPhone and Android.
Supporters generate income for the collective’s treasury via social NFTs – whether that’s a ticket for a virtual music event, paid access to exclusive artist content or just tipping eGifts for teaching people a new skill via video. Collective members buy into the collective in return for the collective’s very own token (crypto-currency) and cash out against the treasury or vote on how to use the treasury, for example, to fund an NGO or build a hospital.
Bring about real-world change by supporting or becoming a member of an #nftCollective.
Enable collective members to buy small stakes in your creative social content. In return members can hold your collective’s tradable tokens (ERC20 crypto-currency). These tokens are backed by the treasury income generated from your posts and your supporters’ posts who tag their posts with your #nft.
Income from ticket sales to live music events, educational classes, tips or egifts are collected and stored in your treasury.
With your permission, members buy-in to your collective and in exchange they get a percentage of your collective’s crypto-currency.
You can even change and add your own creative terms and conditions. The legals are embedded directly into your NFTs so this means that you can finally and legally own all the perks of having this NFT.
Lend your NFT and you can contribute to helping those in need across the world. Using the power of blockchain you don’t have to worry about managing the process as it is fully automated.
Official Technical Integration & Proud Community Partners
Convert any Tiktok, YouTube, Snapchat, Vimeo, Instagram social media posts to an NFT using the Livetree app available for iPhone and Android.
From #nftBLM to #nftSaveThePlanet what NFT collective would you join?
Supporters generate income for the collective’s treasury via social NFTs, whether that’s a ticket for a virtual music event, paid access to exclusive artist content or just tipping eGifts for teaching people a new skill via video. Collective members buy into the collective in return for the collective’s very own tokens (crypto-currency) and cash out against the treasury or vote on how to use the treasury, for example, to fund an NGO or activist lawyer.
Bring about real-world change by supporting or becoming a member of a hashtag NFT collective.
Hashtag NFT collective is a multi-chain protocol because we believe blockchain technology is still developing and you should be able to evolve with the crypto-currency of your choice.
Enable collective members to buy small stakes in your creative NFT in return for your own collective’s tradable tokens (ERC20 crypto-currency) backed by treasury income generated from your post and your supporters’ posts who tag their posts with your #nft.
Unparalleled mobile Web 3.0 app user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design
Our easy-to-use app and platform design has taken years to develop and is umatched in today’s Web 3.0 ecosystem.
We employ similar technics to Clubhouse, Facebook and other social media giants to exponentially increase user adoption but we do it for good and we actually care about you and our planet. We use sophisticated A.I. for contacts and social graph matching along with a state-of-the-art video and decentralised royalty payment infrastructure so, instead of Facebook or another corporate controlling it, you do!
Income from ticket sales to live music events, educational classes, tips or egifts are mined and stored in your treasury.
With your permission, members buy-in to your collective and in exchange they get a percentage of your collective’s crypto-currency.
You can even change and add your own creative terms and conditions. The legals are embedded directly into your NFTs so this means that you can finally and legally own all the perks of having this NFT.
Lend your NFT and you can contribute to helping those in need across the world. Using the power of blockchain you don’t have to worry about managing the process as it is fully automated.
Import and upgrade existing NFTs into the new #NFT Collective Standard.
Export your #NFT Collective and downgrade to Opensea or any other NFT marketplaces.
After years of hard work, NFT Collective is ready to help deliver what Web 3.0 has always promised. Now people know what NFTs are, they are used to DAOs we can finally transform social media for good.
In order to change the world we need mass adoption. In order to understand how to achieve this, we studied companies like Facebook, Clubhouse, Dropbox (if you remember that launch). However, aside from their widescale success, the thing they all missed was a true and honest purpose.
I started this journey a few years ago with the belief that Web 3.0, namely, decentralisation, would change the world. And the world has finally caught up: NFTs and DAOs are quickly becoming part of mainstream vocabulary. People are expressing a desire to broadcast themselves, their ideas and concerns more and more. Society is moving into an online virtual world at a Covid rate of R. And yet, it is becoming clear current social networks are not fit for purpose. Their main concern so clearly being to fill the already overflowing pockets of wealthy corporations, they’re missing any kind of societal responsibility. People care that the world is in crisis (climate change, inequality etc) and they deserve a platform that empowers these values.
That’s where Hashtag NFT Collective offers an alternative: the first ever decentralised global community supported by its own decentralised treasury, SEDC. With a treasury controlled by the community, they get to decide how to fund the causes they care about… Imagine being able to use the revenue from Facebook for good!
The Seed NFT Collective (SEDC) token represents the global collective that decentralises governance of all #NFTCollectives. Unlike social networks like Facebook or NFT Marketplaces, like Opensea, the #NFT exchange is a decentralised collective built using the same standard as all other collectives. SEDC token holders control how the platform operates. From being able to vote on which beneficiaries to award the treasury, what posts should be censored and even what fees should be charged.
The Seed NFT Collective (SEDC) token represents the global collective that decentralises governance of all #NFTCollectives. Unlike social networks like Facebook or NFT Marketplaces, like Opensea, the #NFT exchange is a decentralised collective built using the same standard as all other collectives. SEDC token holders control how the platform operates. From being able to vote on which beneficiaries to award the treasury, what posts should be censored and even what fees should be charged.
Moonbeam, Ethereum (Moonriver, Celo, Polkadot, Unique.Network plus more anticipated).
Wei (10^18 Wei = 1 SEDC)
1 Billion
Seed NFT Collective (SEDC)
Governed by SEDC holders but initially 50% of treasury is 3 month defi locked to earn interest which is returned to the network.
50% of all reoccurring income from all #NFT Collectives to treasury, note this is subject to SEDC holders who can modify these values on chain.
Q3 2022
Wei (10^18 Wei = 1 SEDC)
We will use the Seed NFT Collective token (SEDC) to launch the network of collectives, the total supply of Seed NFT Collective tokens will be one billion. A portion of the network tokens have been reserved to ensure the network secures and maintains growth of its current 4000+ influencer and content creators (10% Creator’s Incentive Reserve). Significant portions of the network have also been reserved for the Genesis token event (10%), App Plugin Developer Programme (10%) Ambassador Swap & Upgrade Reserve (14.3%), Strategic Partner Program (5%) and Treasury Governance Reserve (17%).
The SEDC token has a capped and fixed token supply of 1 billion tokens. SEDC Token supply is decreased (burnt) each time it is redeemed against the global treasury thus increasing scarcity.
Fees on the Hashtag NFT Network related to transactions are determined via governance. Initially, the fee is set to 50% of all NFT Collective transactions. These funds directly fund the global treasury backing SEDC. The treasury, initially, targets Moonbeam (GLMR), however, can be moved to other chains based on onchain governance.
Up to 50% (via the Community Interest Swap Reserve, Sustainability Innovation Fund Reserve and Governance Reserve) of the total token supply can be reserved for defi interest bearing instruments. We envision the interest earned on the treasury will be reinvested into incentivizing the creator network or direct rewards for SEDC holders. The amounts for this will be determined by onchain governance.
Seed NFT Collective Token Launch Plan
For the launch we are making a short film that introduces a reporter from the future, Cosmé Talhuselah (think Max Headroom) has been sent back in time to tell us what the future you might be within a decentralized social network. The #NFTFutureMe campaign will be launched in partnership with Polkadot, Celo Moonbeam and Unique official blockchain support.
The campaign is going to start in Feb 2022 with the film and full launch targeted for Q3 2022.
To gain the mass adoption, we have built a network of likeminded influencers (combined they have a potential follower reach of 121.3 million) who we will be launching with simultaneously.
Pre-launch Listing Funding
12% SEDC available for private sale
Currently 200+ influencers * 1000 SEDC < 15% SEDC
Potential market making release DEX Swap, Kucoin, Kraken
Livetree (Substack and plus
more anticipated)
1 Billion
Seed NFT Collective (SEDC)
50% of all reoccurring income from all #NFT Collectives to treasury, note this is subject to SEDC holders who can modify these values on chain.
Governed by SEDC holders but initially50% of treasury is 3 month defi locked to earn interest which is returned to the network.
Q3 2022
Up to 50% (via the Treasury Governance Reserve) of the total token supply can be reserved for defi interest bearing instruments. We envision the interest earned on the treasury will be reinvested into incentivizing the creator network or direct rewards for SEDC holders. The amounts for this will be determined by on-chain governance.
For the launch we are making a short film that introduces a reporter from the future, Cosmé Talhuselah (think Max Headroom) has been sent back in time to tell us what the future you might be within a decentralized social network. The #NFTFutureMe campaign will be launched in partnership with Polkadot, Celo Moonbeam and Unique official blockchain support.
To gain the mass adoption, we have built a network of likeminded creators (combined they have a potential follower reach of 121.3 million) who we will be launching with simultaneously.
Pre-launch Listing Funding
12% SEDC available for private sale
Cosme Film NFT Drop
Potential market making release
DEX Swap, Kucoin, Kraken
Market cap
$1 billion